Friday, June 12, 2015

What is Warfare?

Is it to be defined as always bloody like historically?
There is a statement that is also true: "Business is War"
Then there is Sun Tsu's "The Art of War"
where war is all sorts of things but not necessarily bloody.
Is Cyber hacking war when done by other countries or the U.S.?
Is Weather Warfare War even if the public doesn't know it's happening?
When private information is taken on all U.S. Government employees is that War?

Because of nuclear weapons and the fact that Russia, The U.S. and China each have enough to blow up the planet several times over by themselves, war can be almost anything, especially if it has a psychological warfare component to it.

The most blatant psychological warfare is being conducted by ISIS.

The most secretive psychological warfare is being conducted by all nations.

What is warfare?

How does the U.S. survive?

What is happening?

Unless enough people actually know what is happening wars are usually lost for a variety of reasons.

Most warfare being conducted on planet Earth now is not necessarily bloody with thousands of people dead except in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and possibly soon Lebanon. But, most warfare is secret or psychological on multiple fronts.

But still, unless the people of the world know enough about what's actually going on we all lose and no one wins except maybe the very richest most manipulative people on earth and then everyone else basically slowly or quickly starves and dies one by one.

I think the middle east war is actually a smoke screen for the real war going on all over earth. And during this war during the next 50 years or so likely the richest 50% might survive and the poorest 50% of the populations of earth might not.

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