Sunday, September 25, 2016

1,180,831 visits to intuitivefred888

I haven't had as much time to write or compile as I have had before the last few months. Also, I'm not sure whether word buttons are going to work regarding Links to other websites from here as of September 29th 2016. So, we will have to see what happens next. However, I'm still very impressed that 1,180, 831 people have visited this site so far. Have a Great Day!

I'm just happy to be back to somewhere that will be under 100 degrees tomorrow. Stay cool out there California and the world so you don't get heat prostration. I've experienced this as a younger person and it is not something to mess with. So stay aware! The hotter you get the less well your brain works to make useful survival decisions. So, plan ahead. Have a Great Day!

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