Monday, September 26, 2016

Tara Mantra

Please free me from the 8 great terrors which are dying by fire, by drowning, by poison, by murder etc." and it is understood that you are asking not to die in an awful way so you can spread the dharma and good will and kindness towards all beings. So, you are prevented from dying so you can make the lives of all beings in the universe better by removing suffering wherever possible from their lives from humans to animals to fish to insects to birds to whatever lives on earth or beyond. 

One of the many reasons why I like Buddhism is Buddha talks about visiting other planets through soul travel like I have too and what was happening there. So, to me, Buddha is a kindred spirit in that he traveled the whole universe like I have too.

Because he was a Prince of Lumbini and educated like one he understood deeply how many variations of people and beings there are throughout the universe on all levels. So, he was incredibly sophisticated like Jesus in this.

By God's Grace

note: 25% of Buddhists Believe in God like I do. 

I consider myself to be a mystical Christian Tibetan Buddhist still. So, I am a Christian but I also believe in reincarnation because I remember lifetimes on this and other planets and inside suns and nebulas for at least 7 million years into the past and future of earth.

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