Sunday, January 1, 2017

Trump is an Innovator

To make sense of this look at Steven Jobs and Bill Gates. Will the world (long term) survive what they have created here on earth? I don't have the answer to this question.

The same can be said of Trump. "Will the world survive Trump's innovations to world government?

One way to look at this would be to "correctly say", Trump's relationship with Putin is a lot like Obama's relationship to Cuba now. This might be a good place to start.

So, maybe Trump's point of view is a little like Obama's regarding Cuba which is:

"100 years of what we did before did not work regarding Russia. All it did was to create almost world war III with nukes!"

Trump's point of view might be: "Let's try something else!"

However, can you try something else when that nation can blow up the world between 12 and 50 times all by itself with nukes?

This likely would be my question.

So, will Trump Succeed in this? Will he succeed where Reagan ended the Soviet Union by making friends with the new Russia?

Or will Russia just treat Trump like a fool and a puppet?

You and I will have to be the judge of this wherever we are all around the world.

And is Putin more interested in revenge for what Reagan did to the Soviet Union by killing it or is he more interested in saving the new Russia from financial ruin?

Upon this question might rest the future survival of the United States. (AND RUSSIA)!

And then of course the next question must be: "What happens to NATO and Europe and the United Nations in all of this?"

And the rest of the world?

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