Saturday, February 17, 2018

Why is kindness important towards oneself and others important?

First, it brings integrity to the person so others tend to trust this person more. When you are kind to yourself you also tend to be more kind to others.

You will notice as you go through life that people who are not kind often die very young. They either kill themselves, make stupid mistakes and die or someone else they have offended kills them.

This often happens by ages 30 to 40 years of age.

So, kindness towards oneself and others is one of the keys to living to old age in the first place.

2nd it makes others lives more bearable. In other words if you are especially kind to someone you might make them happy enough not to kill you or others that day, or week or even month.

It's amazing what kindness towards others can do in your life and theirs.

So, it tends to create a chain reaction of kindness as it moves through life.

Conversely, if you are unkind towards others the opposite happens and just by being unkind you could easily cause that person to go home and beat their wife or children or kill someone.

In some ways you never know because you won't be there to see what happens. But, unkindness is almost always taken out on someone down the line making their lives more miserable.

And if they in the chain reaction are harmed or more miserable you never know what sequence is going to make that person snap and kill someone or harm someone too.

For example, the young man in Florida chose specifically Valentines Day (as his valentine's day Massacre in Florida this week because last year his mother died (who was his only parent in his life) and this week 3 days before Valentines Day his girlfriend broke up with him so he killed 17 people and wounded many others.

It's true this guy was just a bomb waiting to go off but the actual triggers likely were his Mom at his age 18 died last year and his girlfriend broke up with him 3 days before Valentine's day.

Now, you may say, "Well. His mother and his girlfriend weren't being unkind to him."

That's likely true but you can see better my point of how important it is to be kind to people so they don't just go off and kill 17 to 20 people because you were mean to them that day.

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