Friday, May 18, 2018

partial quote from: Memories part 3 chapter 4

Elohar appeared as a shapely brunette with Auburn highlights. Since Jonathan and Elohar were both natural telepaths , they instantly understood each other. However, the experience was very strange for Jonathan since his own mother was still alive in the U.S." Won't there be a time paradox or something if you are here in the same time in two bodies?"

" No, because there will be no future without you." " That sounds pretty ominous." Said Jonathan with a nervous half disbelieving laugh." I'm afraid it is true Jonathan. Your actions in this life and Ragna's interaction with you and me define the future for the next 10,000 years. If the three of us aren't careful there will be no future for anyone on earth."

Jonathan looked perplexed and said,"This is a bit much for me to believe but I have to take your word for it or I'd have to think you were crazy."
" What do your senses tell you son?"
"That you are sane but not of this time or the world I know." "Yes that's right. You saw us in your past as the silvery beings in your youth."

Jonathan said in an awed voice," I have been waiting for you but I thought this body would end and be cremated and left on Mt. Shasta before I saw you two again."
" No, we need you now!"

end quote from:

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