Saturday, July 14, 2018

A Cyber "Pearl Harbor" has now been diagnosed that harmed the U.S. democracy and all democracies on earth

There is no more doubt in any party that Putin harmed our democracy in a fundamental way. Anyone of any party likely can see this now.

I think you are going to see the rage of the western World Directed more and more against the Putin government for using his military against us, for using his officers in this attack on the western world.

It would be as if Putin stuck his sperm in the marriage bed of Western Democracies at this point.

And the result is going to be over time an awful revenge by the Western World upon Russia and Putin.

Putin's revenge on the entire western world for the collapse of the Soviet Union just backfired!

He has woken a sleeping Tiger of Conservatives and Liberals enraged!

Just like in World War II we are slow to get going but now we know for sure you will see a wrath not seen since world war IIs Pearl Harbor begin to build from the entire western World against Putin and Russia.

How will this manifest?

Likely at first you will see sanctions at an unprecedented level by all western nations against Russia and Putin which unfortunately won't harm Putin at all but will starve many Russians to death.

So, this is likely the first thing you are going to see in this next war against Putin at this point.

Mueller by diagnosing Russian Officers harming our election process started a real war at a much deeper level against Russia and now all bets are off as to what this will bring in the future!

There will be no nuclear war now but millions will die as a result of this diagnosis. This is a given now.

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