Saturday, July 14, 2018

Military drones are much further along into Artificial intellience and automatic functions than I would have thought

The problem with this of course is that militaries like the U.S., China, Russia, Israel and others who build and use drones are going to be 5 to 10 years ahead in reality beyond anything written about anywhere. So, it is important to realize this is the truth of the situation. So, as blown away as I am studying about all this just at Wikipedia and other places it is 10 or 100 times worse than anything you are reading about. So, God Help us all!

The worst people to get a hold of things like this are not the U.S., Russia, China and Israel because there will at least be oversight in these nations.

The people you worry about stealing or buying these things are rogue nations, Warlords, Dictators, terrorists and drug cartels worldwide where thousands of people could be wiped out remotely and no one would know unless they were looking down from a satellite worldwide  if this happened out in the country somewhere far from a city or hamlet that had electronic communication set up that could ask for help from the UN or individual nations. So, I worry about people herding goats or anyone targeted with a hand grenade from a small drone like happened from ISIS in Syria and Iraq the most.

A hand grenade from above when you cannot hear the electric drone seems like a pretty defenseless place to be worldwide. Note: at 300 to 400 feet you cannot even hear the little electric motors turning the propellers by the way in most situations.

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