Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Spiritual Path

I started a blogsite here at in addition to intuitivefred888 because I was frustrated by having such a diverse site because it seemed to make many things sort of muddled sort of like Reading Time Magazine or something. On one level it felt all right to write about spiritual things but some of the other stuff seemed so mundane that even though it might be interesting that it was also problematic. However, then when I tried to write for "The Spiritual Path" I found it too limiting in some ways.

I found it more useful to me to have an "All inclusive site like intuitivefred888". But then, I was running into other problems that eventually brought me here to now. The worst problem was that no matter what political position people have I started watching people literally getting so upset regarding their positions that they were going insane and dying a lot around the world.

This really made me think because as we all get older it is much easier to make a mistake and die whether that is in driving a car, falling down stairs or any little stupid mistake. But, writing about politics can be fatal too to people who have bad health.

So, I realized only younger healthier people can afford to be involved in politics unless they want to die or go insane (or risk that outcome).

So, recently I saw that even I was being harmed by writing very much about politics. So, instead of being so political I try to write about more obvious problems and I try whenever possible to approach everything from a more moderate or even libertarian point of view which is what the founding father's mostly thought too.

Basically, their idea was you should be able to do anything you wanted to yourself even if it killed you. But, you cannot harm others. This was the basis of Libertarian thought. So, if you overdosed on alcohol or drugs or you ate yourself to death or masturbated until you died or your your sexual organ fell off this was okay as long as you weren't hurting anyone else.

So, these days it would be that people wouldn't have to wear seat belts unless they wanted to and stuff like this.

So, the basis of Libertarian thought was and is self sufficiency. You lived or died by your sanity and resourcefulness or you just died and that's all.

Anyway, back to intuitivefred888 and "The Spiritual Path".

Recently in the last few months or so I realized i had to stop writing in any one political point of view if I could. I still like to point out dangers that I see to people around the world but mostly I'm trying to step back and not take a political view and instead take a practical pragmatic point of view that resembles more the Independent I actually am. I have had some success in this area now.

Since I started to do this my vibrational level has gone up considerably and anytime I write something that might be too political Angels come to me and tell me to delete it within 24 hours.

Since I can sense people's reaction to what I write this is very helpful too.

You can't really help anyone here on earth much after you are dead. So, if you have been trained by God to help mankind like I have I think we need to stay alive as God gives us the Grace to to try and help as much as we can.

There are many ways to help mankind by the way and each of us are gifted in slightly different ways.

By God's Grace

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