Monday, October 15, 2018

Just received latest Time Magazine

The Cover basically  says "Trump 2024", "Trump 2028", "Trump 2032", "Trump 2036", Trump 2040,

Which is basically the majority of people's ongoing nightmare here in the U.S. already.

Whether people will vote against trump in 2018 or more correctly "Whether people will be fooled by Putin's antics online again" remains to be seen. Trump likely won't even be alive in 2040 but his ideas might still be and most of the country is already haunted by 2 extreme right Republicans just put on the Supreme Court which will basically take us back to before 1950 in regard to civil rights in general already for women and all races but the white race.

So, it's basically, "IF you aren't white and Christian just dig a hole and climb into it because there is no place in the U.S. for you."

This is the REAL Trump.

And a majority of people in the U.S. basically want to throw up right now. Hopefully, they will vote against Trump in enough numbers to make some kind of difference in November and hopefully, Trump and his buddy Putin won't suppress those votes somehow.

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