Monday, October 8, 2018

Why Does Jonathan Flow become Meridian?

I think all this was planned far before Jonathan Flow was born in 1948. His spiritual and psychic development mostly came from the traumas in his life. Before the 1990s and 2000s it was like this for most people. If you believed in God often you survived the traumas. If you didn't often you got the shakes, freaked out and were soon gone. It's not that everyone ever believed in God or some kind of supreme being. It's just that people of faith often freaked out less and made it through things others just couldn't make it through.

It makes me think that human beings were designed to believe in something greater than themselves. So, when I look at younger people today I see that better medical and psychological care has taken away a lot of their need for a God in their lives. Also, Islam as practiced by Terrorists has also taken away many young people's desires for any religion or any kind as well. So, often young people in high school or college equate Christianity to Terrorist Islam here in the U.S. and so right off the bat they see all Christians as quaint but completely crazy as well.

When I was 10 years old this is kind of how I looked at Christians as well, that they were all crazy.

But then, I had to survive Blunt trauma childhood epilepsy which I likely would not have survived without believing in God and Jesus and Saint Germain and Archangel Michael and Mother Mary and the rest.

Without God I'm certain I would be dead now just from the sheer terror of my experiences which were like being murdered whenever I had a seizure caused by a blow to the head then.

So, for me, it's not about whether God exists or not. It's about the fact that God saved me from death. And so I will be forever grateful to God for saving my life.

However, as we grow and survive and prosper we learn more and more. So, studying metaphysics and Tibetan Buddhism I have found in addition to having been raised a mystical Christian to be very useful. So, because of that I share what I can that I have learned about myself and human nature and human beings and UFOS and mystical experiences and Soul Travel the last 70 years and all that.

So, the more we know the better off we all are I find. I'm very very surprised to still be alive at 70 and yet I also wouldn't be surprised if you and I are still alive 1000 years from now because of medical advances either.

By God's Grace

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