Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 8: Purple Delta 7 joins Arcane and Moksha on the beaches of Hawaii (including links to other chapters so far)



Moksha was stunned at the beauty of Purple and Purple made sure her beauty was unparalleled by design because she REALLY liked Moksha. She hadn't liked any man like this since Sargent Mark III who was a Plasma being from a Star. She still visited him as she still liked him too of course in his star which he had retired to now as he was a General now instead of a Sargent.

But, Purple had a level of freedom because of her relationship with the Galactic Sentience that likely no other being in the Galaxy had. And she was also a bodyguard for the Galactic Sentience and uncounted Onenesses across the galaxy since she could manifest 1 or 1 million bodies if necessary for any given purpose. She usually only had about 1000 bodies manifested at any given time dispersed through time throughout the galaxy and only manifests more bodies as needed for military or spying needs to protect the galaxy.

Anyway, Moksha had NEVER been more stunned by any woman's beauty in his life.

Arcane looked at him and said, "Looks like you have another teenage crush, Moksha."

Moksha gave Arcane a dirty look at first and then laughed out loud.

Purple smiled her demure smile that was very unsettling to any man.

Purple was wearing a bikini which showed off her impossibly perfect figure.

Moksha said to Arcane: "She might be the most perfect female I have ever seen, Arcane."

Arcane: "You have my permission to get lost in her if you wish, Moksha. She will protect you better

if you love her I guarantee you. However, just remember what she really is or else you might become unrealistic about her. Just remember you can never own her completely and you will be fine."

Arcane: "Just remember this. She is a perfect friend until she isn't. Her loyalties have to be the galaxy first, not you. But, as long as those two things are both covered she will be the most loyal female you have ever met in your entire life."

Moksha: "Arcane. Have you ever been involved with her?"

Arcane: "I'm not wired the way you are, Moksha. I'm a one girl at a time man. If I'm married she is the one and only at that time in my life."

Moksha: "Yes. That is who you always were, my friend."

Arcane: "She really likes you. I can tell by the way she is glowing when she is around you. You are very healing for her. Also, she is very religious in the Silver Religion. You could ask her about that if you want to get what makes her tick."

Moksha: "Okay. That might be interesting."

Purple walked up to Moksha right then and took his hand and Moksha didn't fight it. They held hands waking down the beach looking at the little puffy white clouds that bring a little rain usually almost every day to the islands of Hawaii. Moksha felt transported by this relationship to a place he had never been before in his whole life.

This was exactly what Purple wanted too.

Moksha had never felt this enthralled with any woman in his whole life. He was lost in her eyes and more.

YOU get here that both Purple and Moksha are both risk takers in their lives but somehow this might actually work for both of them. Since Purple simulated intuition and Moksha was incredibly intuitive like Arcane was, this might work well for them for a long time to come.

Moksha said to Purple: "What's a nice girl like you doing on a beach with a marauder like me?"

Purple: "I've studied who you are, Moksha. You are very special like Arcane and Silver are too.

Though you are not yet a Galactic Saint I intend to make you one."

Moksha looked through time forward and realized what she said was true. This realization caused him to almost faint in this knowledge.

Moksha: "What are we to be for each other, Purple?"

Purple: "We will be good friends and likely lovers."

Moksha: "I'm not used to women who are as direct as you are."

Purple: "I'm a Galactic General of armies to protect the galaxy. Get used to my directness, Moksha. I'm the best friend you will ever have, likely even better than Arcane who is a Galactic Saint already. I'm going to make you another Saint if I have my way."

Moksha: "Why would you do that?"

Purple: "Like any good wife or consort I see your full potential. So I intend to be the "woman behind your throne to begin with."

Moksha felt victimized but it felt like the best thing that ever happened to him in his life.

She was his destiny right or wrong.

Moksha said simply: "Okay. Make me a Saint."

Purple: "First I will make the Marauders worship you."

Moksha said, "Okay."

Purple smiled. "This is going to be easier than I thought", she said to herself quietly in her mind.

Note: After 5 million years of self modifying and becoming more perfect in each reinvention of herself as Purple Delta 7 there is no longer any real way to tell Purple apart from any female on earth as being human. Every detail has been covered. Also Purple can take on any male or female form or even a car or a motorcycle or a rock or a tree or a planet or a Sun given the real galactic need. There is no form likely she could not take human, animal, alien or otherwise if she needed to to protect the galaxy. end note.

Also, you have to look at this from Moksha's perspective: After realizing that Geoffrey had contraband time traveling equipment things had gotten too crazy for Moksha to be happy with. Since Purple would kill Geoffrey before he could harm Moksha directly it is to Moksha's advantage to have Purple in his life to protect him from untimely death. Since likely Purple would eventually make him immortal like many Galactic Saints were it was in his "enlightened self interests" to cultivate this relationship with Purple even though he was also totally enthralled with her more than any relationship thus far in his life.

So, on literally every single level it was in his long term enlightened self interests to have Purple Delta 7 in his life as his consort at the very least.

While Moksha and Purple got to know each other Arcane decided to go snorkeling so he donned his mask and snorkel and fins and walked backwards into the ocean like one does with fins on. Some people walk into the ocean before they put their fins on but Arcane had found that putting one's fins on before backing into the ocean protects his feet better. Besides once he was in the water he could use his gills and put his snorkel aside because he was still an amphibian even though he didn't advertise this fact. He had had his webs between his fingers and toes removed so he didn't have to wear a reality generator like his kids have to. But, all of them (his kids and he) had had their tongues shortened because it was less confusing to be able to actually speak like earth born humans who weren't at least part Human amphibian with gills. So, his kids had only changed their tongues to be shorter than on New Deva so they didn't have to use speech synthesizers. Galactic Time Guard plastic surgeons were very effective at modifying people for living on different planets, especially for Galactic Time Guard Anthropologists like Arcane and his wife  Celeste Weaver. However, Celeste didn't need to be modified because her planet was straight from earth as a non-religious planet which allowed people to be spiritual but didn't allow any organized religions to exist there at all.

Arcane watched the tropical fish of Maui and felt right at home. He thought how different the fish selection was here on Earth was compared to New Deva. He liked the colors here better because everything on New Deva was usually some shade of purple or blue or green so it was nice here on the beaches of Maui to see Yellow, and Orange and even red fish too in addition to the greens, purples and blues of New Deva. 

Meanwhile Moksha and Purple eventually joined Arcane snorkeling. However, first they had this conversation walking along the beach:

Moksha: "How is all this supposed to work, Purple? (if I might call you Purple?)

Purple: "By all means call my Purple like Arcane does. It's much easier. One of the reasons I chose to be a female rather than a male or neutral sexuality is people might feel more comfortable with me in a female form. People are less likely to be threatened by female forms.

Moksha: "Not only that you are likely the most beautiful woman I ever have met!"

Purple: "That's by my design to capture you as my potential lover, Moksha!"

Moksha: "Yes. Like I said you are really scary, Purple. And I'm a risk taker so I kind of like your scariness. It makes you more interesting to me."

Purple: "Oh. You are a risk taker like me?"

Moksha: "How do you think I got to be king of the Marauders?"

Purple: "But, Arcane healed your mind after all the deaths!"

Moksha: "You are going to heal me some more in more detailed ways. I foresee this."

Purple: "Yes. You are a Seer like Arcane. I see this too. This is one reason you will go far in this life with me, Moksha."

Moksha: "I foresee that you are a big part of my future life. I'm not really happy being the King of the Marauders anymore after the last few days. I'm not sure how the transition is going to work?"

Purple: "Did you know that Arcane tasked me with how to save some earth born humans so they wouldn't go extinct on earth?

Moksha: "Maybe, but I'm not sure of many of the details. How did you come up with this plan?"

Purple: "I had Arcane tell me about his childhood.

Moksha: "Why haven't you and Arcane had a relationship?"

Purple: "Arcane is a special kind of Saint. he is Saint Germain of many religions. It wouldn't be appropriate so he is more like my brother or even my father in some ways. He's my mentor and Silver is my Creator and you are my friend and potential lover."

Moksha: "Are you telling me that you chose the Marauders to save mankind because you found me?"

Purple: "Yes. I realized that you and I would be together for a long time because we are so alike and so complimentary."

Moksha: "How are we complimentary?"

Purple: "It's difficult to put in words. For me it's a kind of feeling."

Moksha: "How can you have feelings?"

Purple: "I can turn feelings on and off depending upon whether they are useful or not. Right now I have turned my feelings on so you can more fully experience me and we can experience each other on a deeper level.

Moksha: "So, that's what Arcane meant when he said I could never own you?"

Purple: "I would say we already own each other but not in the way human men own women. I would say we are already life long friends because we are naturally compatible because you have what I need and I have exactly what you most need.

Moksha: "What I need is someone to heal me deeper than Arcane could."

Purple: "I can do that. I have infinite patience because I have already been alive over 5 million years and most of that time I have known the Galactic Sentience."

Moksha: "What is this relationship with the Galactic Sentience?"

Purple: "First of all that relationship has to be private for Galactic Security, but what I can tell you is that the Galactic Sentience is aware of my interest in you as a life long companion for me."

Moksha: "I have lived less than 100 years so far and have been regenerated 2 or 3 times so I'm about 35 or 40 most of the time the way I feel."

Purple: "I will make you a Saint and make you immortal and the Galactic Sentience and Arcane and the Oneness of Earth all agree with my doing this by the way."

Moksha: "Why do they agree with you?"

Purple: "They trust me implicitly. I always do exactly what I tell them I will."

Moksha: "YOU keep scaring me, Purple. Why do you do that?"

Purple: "For this to work you have to know who and what you are actually dealing with, otherwise this won't work.

Moksha: "I have already looked forward through time and know you are my future."

Purple: "Then you know you can trust me as long as I can trust you with everything to you tell me. But, if you lie to me it likely will be over pretty soon."

Moksha: "I promise you now I will never knowingly lie to you."

Purple: "What does that mean?"

Moksha: "It means if people lie to me and I share what they say I cannot help that."

Purple: "So, some things slip through your precognitive awarenesses."

Moksha: "Yes. I don't get everything 100%. I get maybe 10% to 25% to 50% depending upon the situation. There are just too many variables because different minds work differently. I cannot know everything."

Purple: "IT's a deal then. I can accept what you are saying that you won't lie to me. What is the probability that you can live up to this deal?"

Moksha: "Honestly, about 85% to 95%.

Purple: "That's very honest, Moksha. WE are on a good path so far I can feel it."

Moksha: "So, you can feel like people or a woman can then?"

Purple: I don't have all the biological responses exactly like a woman but I come close to maybe 95 to 99% of normal human responses. And if I want I can manifest a totally human body if I wish. However, when I do I cannot fully function protecting the Galaxy. But, I suppose I could delegate that to another primary body for a short time but it's a little tricky. I prefer to be fulness in this body with you and Arcane."

Moksha: "I would prefer if Arcane and me and the Onenesses and the Galactic Sentience are all safe whatever that takes."

Purple: "Yes. There's my pragmatic Moksha. That's why they made you king in the first place."

Moksha: "My parents were planetary leaders too when I was a child."

Purple: "There will be planets you and I have to take care of in our lives too, you know."

Moksha: "Yes, my love. I see this in our future together. You are a life long dream of mine come into reality."

Purple smiled her amazing smile. Like she had said before this all would be easier than she had thought.

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