Wednesday, March 16, 2022

If this were the U.S. and not Ukraine I think we would think this was worse than Pearl Harbor or 9-11 if this was happening to us (what is happening to Ukraine)

Putin is so out of step with the world right now in so many ways. He's like someone from the 1800s during the Victorian era or even World War I but nothing after that in how he is thinking.

People look at what he is doing and can see it only through the eyes of him being a war criminal now. It's not that Ukraine ONCE wasn't a part of Russia. It's that the people there have decided that they are through with that. And they have now had relative freedom since the 1990s and more than a whole generation has gotten used to their relative freedoms.

Ukrainians in the main have embraced European and western ideals of freedom and capitalism and democracy. They don't want an autocrat. They don't want PUTIN. 

I know this is hard for Putin maybe to understand but remember he has never been really free and sort of expected Yeltsin to kill him and his family, possibly, when he was put in charge of Russia at first by Yeltsin. 

Why did Putin think this?

Because Yeltsin was slowly dying of Alcohol poisoning because he was an alcoholic which is very common culturally in Russia especially among men. I think it used to be this way in the U.S. too before Prohibition. Even children often were alcoholics then before Prohibition, especially those children forced to work all day rather than go to school here in the U.S.

So, how does all this turn out?

None of us has seen how all this plays out yet. In some ways I think World War III might have begun in earnest and continue the next 10 or 20 years here on earth. I hope not. 

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