Wednesday, March 16, 2022

It's been so long now that I had forgotten that a Time Pool did this in real life: Last paragraph on page. This is why we haven't found life on other planets by the way




Foreward: It might be wise to read Memories before you try to read or listen to the History of His oneness, The History of Eridian, The History of Arcane or The History of Jonathan Flow. Memories contains all these charactors and defines them in relation to one another. Otherwise in reading any of the Histories you might feel sort of lost. Then again, to each his own. Blessings to the reader.

Let us now begin---

The History of His Oneness

Let me begin in this way. I am known to my people as His Oneness. Though the Galactic Sentience gave me this name signifying a Galactic Satellite Government my people continue to use this name for me in both love and honor. My people freely share their thoughts and dreams with me 24 hours a day. I have been modified by the Galactic Sentience to do this for all my people on Earth and all the 500+ planetary colonies of Mu and Lemuria. For those of you who are not familiar with Mu and Lemuria, Atlantis is a colony of Lemuria. The location of Atlantis is still a mystery in your 21st century. However, the location of Lemuria and Mu is no mystery at all. Mu was a continent larger than present day Australia with the epicenter being where the present day Hawaiian Islands now are. Just like Atlantis sunk somewhere in the Atlantic, Mu sunk into the middle of the Pacific. Luckily, what is now the California coast had already been colonized by Mu before it sank. Those colonists from Mu who lived high enough in what is now the California coastal range and the forerunner to the High Sierras survived the tidal waves. These people became the seed culture bot spiritual genetic and culture for what soon became known as Lemuria. Lemuria meant to us simply, "The people of Mu who survived." So we Lemurians are closely tied to our ancestors the people of MU.

I eventually became the leader of Lemuria due to an unusual occurance. Like many cultures on earth and beyond on other planets the main form of government somewhat resembled what was found in Tibet in the 1930's. Our government was a theocracy. The main difference was that we were not only culturally and spiritually advanced like Tibet once was. We were also spacefarers, space traders, and space exploreres. Therefore, we were very scientifically advanced. As a young man I was found by my peers to be a seer. This quality was deeply cherished by my people. When Galactic representatives became interested in Earth they asked the priesthood for a seer to train. The people of earth were very unsure about these Galactic Representatives. They gave me to the Galaxy to be trained by them because I was in my 20's then and considered expendable. However, because I was a seer I knew they were genuine and had no fear whatsoever of going with them. As I knew beforehand the Galactic representatives turned out to be genuine and took me to the center of the Galaxy to be trained to be the future leader of earth and a Protector and a Seer to represent the entire Galaxy. I did not fully understand all that was happening to me. However, I hoped I could benefit Lemuria and Earth in some way. Several years later I was returned from the center of the Galaxy. There was a war taking place on Earth. Things were not good. There was complete chaos when we landed. I had been taught to bring order with my mind. When we landed and I stepped off the ship 100 years or more had passed since I had been taken to the Galactic Center. I had not given much thought to the fact that my body now glowed brightly from years of Galactic training.

When I got off the Galactic Ship all believed I was a savior from another world. All soldiers dropped their weapons. I hadn't really realized before how very much I had changed. All weapons were brought to me and simply dropped in piles around me. I was the de facto ruler of earth with no words spoken at all. Those who had latent or active beneficent intuitive gifts I summoned with my mind. These "gifted ones" picked up some of the weapons and became my guard.

Without any words we created a new social and spiritual order based upon my new spiritual and Galactic Governmental knowledge. We immediately became accepted by the Galactic Sentience as a Galactic Satellite Government. The Galactic Sentience named me His Oneness, and his guards announced my name on earth in a way that all saw and heard whether they were awake or asleep. The name stayed with me in the hearts and minds of my people of earth. I became His Oneness, spiritual and Governmental head of Lemuria and Earth. In this way Lemuria became the spiritual and cultural and governmental center for Earth and all its many planetary colonies.

Later on I was summoned to the Galactic Sentience with my Ministers. We returned with the Time Pool which protects both the Galaxy as well as earth and all its planetary colonies from harm by keeping space traveling barbarians from finding any life at all in our galaxy whether the barbarians are from this galaxy or another. The only life they will find that is intelligent is on their own home planets. This prevents interplanetary and galactic wars which are completely useless to everyone.

end partial quote from:

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