Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Going all electric is sort of like Getting married. You are trading one sort of problems for a different set of problems

 The happiest I have ever been while I was young was when I got married the 2nd time. And this lasted about 7 years. Then the most unhappy and lonely I have ever been were the next 7 years after my father died in that marriage.

Going all electric with Cars is a lot like Getting married where you trade one set of problems for another set of problems. Which is better? Being single or being married?

It depends upon the marriage and what is going on inside that marriage. Going all Electric Vehicle wise will be a complete disaster for some people and okay for others. I don't plan to buy any hybrid or electric vehicle as long as I have another choice available to me. Because I have already had enough electromagnetic radiation working as an electrician with my Dad starting when I was 10 or 12 until I was 17 and then again when I was 21 and out of college for awhile before I went back to college again. So, I don't want anymore Electromagnetic radiation because I have already been shocked thousands of times while working hot (electricity on in the wires) because people needed those circuits on in businesses and homes while we worked on them.

Actually the people I worry the most about aren't the adults over 50 using Electric vehicles or hybrids. The people I worry the most about is the health problems from babies to when they are around 30 years old always riding around in Hybrids and All Electric Vehicles all that time!

They are like Guinea pigs in a medical Test. So, through them we will see just how bad it gets for them health wise.

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