Sunday, April 23, 2023

My daughter sent me a funny thing on bigfoot that I thought I would share

 It's a picture of a baseball hat that says "Bigfoot is real and he tried to eat my ass" which she thought was pretty funny and reminded her of me.

However, what I really believe presently about Bigfoot is that this species exists all over the world. For example, the  one that lives where I live is brown fur up to it's shoulders and silver fur from it's shoulders to the top of it's head. and then in Tibet and the Himalayas you have the "Abominable Snowman" which is a Yeti which is all white fur and you have seen cartoon movies made about this one. And then there are varieties in northern California to Washington and other places where they are mostly brown fur from head to toe.

However, what most people don't seem to understand about bigfoots all over is that they are "Shape Shifters".

What does this mean?

It means that they have the ability to go into your mind telepathically and make you think you are seeing something other than what they are.

For example, they can appear to be a tree, a deer, a rock or even a person if they want to (to your mind).

However, it also must be said that UFOs visiting or living on earth do the same thing and always have.

However, often they use technology to appear to be something other than they are.

It's sort of like people all over the world dressing to "Blend in" so they aren't beat up or killed by the locals and observing local customs trying not to draw attention to themselves.

So, it's all about ways of not being recognized for who you really are.

I think anyone out of their own element or place where they live tends to do this just as a matter of personal survival everywhere on earth.

The other thing about being out of "Where you grew up" or "presently live" is that you can pretty much be anyone you want to be (to some degree) whenever you are away from your home turf where you know everyone and they know you.

So, it's basically a survival mechanism in all beings that you have to know when NOT to draw attention to yourself in order to better survive wherever you are.

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