Friday, April 28, 2023

Only 15 years from 90?

 I was thinking about how now I'm 75 that it is interesting to be this old. And one of the most interesting things for me in this moment is that I'm now only 15 years from 90 years old. I can remember being 50 and thinking I was going to die soon from a heart virus (which most people died from then by the way) I was one of the very few who survived my heart virus (the only person I knew of in California actually that survived then in 1998 and 1999 from a heart virus then).

So, making it to 75 is quite an achievement after thinking I was dying likely from September of 1998 until May of 1999 then.

Living to 75 is no picnic but I guess it can be done still. I have a great Grandfather who lived until almost 100 and fought in the Civil war as a Captain and then lived until the 1940s during World War II which is pretty amazing! His Wife lived to be 105 years old and was living into the 1950s too. Though I never met her because she lived in Kansas and I lived in Seattle and in California then and I was likely about 4 or 5 years old when my great Grandmother died. I was 2 in 1950.

But, now as I approach this stage in life one of the most surprising concepts I just realized is that I'm only 15 years from 90 and with medical science being what it is today in the U.S. IF you have Medicare, 90 appears to be achievable at this point too like my Great Grandfather and Great Grandmother reached in Kansas long ago.

I was watching the 2 hour Carol Burnett Special (part of it) last night and Lily Tomlin was thanking Carol Burnett for being so kind and helpful to her as a young comedian and Carol Burnett obviously was one of her heroes. She recounted how Carol Said to her regarding lily's stint on Laugh in on TV "One ringy dingy two ringy dingy and so on".

But, living to 90 or 100 feels a lot more achievable for a lot of us now than it once did.

By God's Grace

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