Wednesday, April 26, 2023

what is Buddhism really about?

If you actually study Buddhism you see that Buddha was a Very Well Educated Prince whose Father didn't want to become a Sage or Holy Man but a King of Lumbini where Buddha was a Prince of then over 2500 Years ago (500 years before Christ). Lumbini is on the Nepal and India border by the way. (It's location is there but it no longer exists because of course this is now 2500 years ago.

So, as a well educated Prince Siddhartha Buddha was no fool.

His position was that it didn't really matter whether God exists or not.

He saw the problem as being the Suffering of Mankind and all physical beings and their mortality.

So, he was saying "Let's stop debating about who God is and whether God exists or not and just take care of people and teach them how not to suffer so much!"

This is really what Buddhism is actually about.

Buddha didn't say there is no God. Instead he said that people need to help each other and not waste their time debating about who God is and whether or not he exists.

He came up with the 8 fold path to end Suffering.

You start by realizing that all humans (and all physical beings) are suffering pretty much the same as you are and you decide to Help both them and you end your suffering and theirs permanently.

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