Sunday, April 23, 2023

Guns mostly are NOT useful for home protection: Why?

You might go through your whole life and no one would break into your home or cause you to shoot them in other ways. 

But, owning a gun is very very dangerous to everyone around you including yourself (especially if you consume alcohol (AT ALL) or use any drugs (like hallucinogenics) like Marijuana or other drugs and get into a paranoid hallucination.

So, it is much more likely that you will shoot a member of your family or a friend when you are drunk or drugged if that is what you do in your life. So, I would recommend not owning guns at all if you drink alcohol at all unless you want your wife and children dead in some unguarded moment.

Guns are a tool like a rake or a hatchet or an axe or a ladder. And if they are not used properly they are all soon to take you to the hospital if you are not very co-ordinated and calm and know exactly what you are doing all the time when you are awake.

So, because of all this 99.99% of the time guns are far more likely to get you or your family or friends killed more than anything else.

Just look at the paranoid people shooting people driving into their driveways by accident if you don't believe me. Who are just trying to deliver goods and services or have gone to the wrong address for whatever the reason.

One way to avoid all these problems (with crazies with guns) is to call ahead by phone to contact people before you go there and have them meet you outside so you won't be shot by accident.

This makes a lot of sense.

Someone asked me what they should get for home protection recently.

I told them to get a wooden baseball bat. This makes more sense.

But, if someone is threatening you you have to hit them in the head with the bat. Otherwise, it is ONLY to scare people away mostly.

Why a wooden baseball bat? Because it has more weight and more likely to damage or kill someone if you ever have to than a metal bat.

(Your kids won't accidentally shoot each other with a baseball bat)

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