Wednesday, April 26, 2023

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck walks like a duck:

It is usually a duck. 

If you are used to observing human behavior (and we all are or we wouldn't still be alive) we can see that Trump (most likely 90% or more) raped E. Jean Carroll because (isn't he so self disciplined?).

When a man like Trump can always buy ANYTHING AND ANYONE HE WANTS there have never been consequences for Trump since he was a rich adult with 200 million Dollars his Dad gave to him to start his Real estate empire.

So, if you observe all the actions in Trump's life including Stormy Daniels and what women in general have said about him grabbing their parts.

Trump likely raped E. Jean Carroll.

And it makes complete sense that he denies this happened because it's inconvenient (and expensive) for it to have happened. But, we all know it really happened because:

IF it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and walks like a duck (It's usually a duck).

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