Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Since around Christmas of 2022 the temperatures in Northern California have been 10 to 20 degrees below normal

For example, in January or February temperatures on the coast where I live (during the 20 year drought) often were 70 to 80 degrees here in the SF Bay area on the coast.

However, this year where I live the hottest temperature since Christmas has been 68 degrees and that was on Easter Sunday. So, this is what I mean by 10 to 20 degrees below normal. For example, all the night time temperatures on the coast where I live this week are in the 40s and within the last month we had a low of around 39 degrees which is pretty strange this late in the year for the SF BAY area coast.

The good news of course is that we likely have 100 to 200 percent of normal rainfall and there are places in the High Sierras mountain range that they got 300 percent of normal snow fall. So, places with 25 to 30 feet of snow (on the ground right now) are pretty normal anywhere above around 4000 feet or 5000 feet throughout the Sierras and the Cascades this year.

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