Thursday, April 13, 2023

What Appears to be not allowed on earth by the present Galactic Sentience or ruler of the Galaxy

For some of you thinking this is fiction might be desirable for you. However, as far as I know this is all fact that I'm sharing here. So, either way this is okay.

Though humans are allowed to fight and to kill each other in wars they will NOT be allowed to extinct the earth and all mankind. This simply will not be allowed.

How do they stop this sort of thing?

By manipulating time lines.

The people nuking or destroying earth are simply removed from time. In other words they were never born after they do this nor will they ever be allowed to be born on earth ever again. And most other planets won't allow them to be born there either. This is a fate worse than death for this to happen to you as a soul.

So, let's say a person or persons nukes a city or a country out of existence here on earth. Then agents from U.S. and U.N. Governments and even time governments and Galactic Governments sometimes get involved in restoring time to it's previous state. This has happened at the very least 50 times now since World war II (likely more). 

But, here's the thing. All people responsible for destroying cities, countries or nations or the whole world will never be allowed to be born as humans again on earth ever.

They might be allowed to be born as animals or fish or something like that but will be prevented from ever being born on earth as a human being ever again.

Being born on earth as a human being is not a right but a privilege for souls so what you do here is important to the future of your soul and what it is allowed to do in the future.

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