Monday, April 10, 2023

Will there be another recession?

 It's actually difficult to say on many levels. However, given all present variables it is very likely.

Of all the economies on earth the U.S. is still doing the best simply because it is so free wheeling and adaptive. The least adaptive tend to be places like China and Russia. (in Russia you have a war against Ukraine that nobody wants except PUTIN mostly and in China they just lost between 1 and 5 million people) (we likely will never know because they will never tell anyone how many actually died).

China is faltering because of Covid and Putin's mind is gone because of isolation because of Covid. So, the zero Covid resulted in 1 million to 5 million deaths ongoing in China so far this year when they stopped Zero Covid Restrictions because of mass demonstrations of Chinese people against Zero Covid Restrictions which probably killed as many people as the restrictions saved for a variety of reasons. In other words (Zero covid wasn't very well thought out to begin with regarding the lives of 1.4 Billion people in China.

Here in the U.S. we have the strongest economy on earth but it's important to note that we haven't had this much loss of life in any pandemic since the death toll of World War II.

So, even though buildings were not destroyed by Covid like during world War II it is likely that we lost as many people from Covid as during World War II. But because we don't see the physical damage to structures most people are blatantly unaware of the true toll of Covid and this might not be known for 25 to 50 to 100 years if ever simply because people couldn't handle the truth to begin with.

So, as a result it would be quite easy for the U.S. and World to slip into either a recession or outright Great Depression (if people aren't very careful in Governments and in the banking sector worldwide.

However, just like most of you I'm hoping this won't happen.

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