Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Children infantalized like Pets are could be one of the reasons of mass murder because of no useful consequences growing up

Let me share something I went through at about 9 years old in the mid 1950s likely 1957. There were two boys playing mumbly peg which was a knife game where you throw a knife in the ground near your foot to see who wins without throwing the knife into your foot. You likely wouldn't see this game played much now because of the changes in society. But, then every boy carried a knife of one size or another for self defense so this was pretty normal then. When they finished playing a game one boy grabbed me from behind and put his knife to my throat and told me he was going to cut my head off. HE played this game and cut me a little but luckily I didn't have to go to the hospital or die. When I was finally released from this emotionally and mentally sick person I went home and loaded my gun to go shoot this boy (I was 9 years old). So, I loaded up my .22 rifle to go kill this boy for what he had done to me. However, because I was more intelligent than boys my age I called a friend on the telephone and told him what had happened to me. He said, "I know these boys and they are crazy, Fred. Let someone else kill them not you because you have a life ahead of you and they won't live to 20 years of age."

People today would be horrified by what I just shared with you but in the 1950s where I grew up this was a pretty normal occurrence of things just like this happening to boys. So, if you weren't "a soldier" as a child then you basically never grew up at all especially if you were a boy. As a girl you might be abused but more likely you would be verbally abused and not killed outright like boys often were here in the U.S.

So, when I grew up you were supposed to be somewhat grown up by age 4 and learn to defend your life from all comers. This was just how things were then.

So, when people over protect their children one day someone upsets them and they go get a gun and kill those people and themselves instead of having an experience like I did which changed my life in a certain kind of way.

Looking back on this boy putting a knife to my throat was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Why?

Because I never trusted another boy or man ever since. And I realized I was capable of killing the next person that did that to me if I had to.

This is the way a man must think in this world. If you can't get here you never will be a man.

This is: "The Law of the Jungle" that the world actually always is.

It isn't necessary to be aggressive and attack people but you must learn how to defend your life along the way or often your life is soon over either because they have killed you or you overreact to something that happens in your life and then you kill people and then yourself.

This is the difference between being an infantalized child adult and actually being an adult.

The main problem I presently think regarding mass murders and suicides is the infantalization of people from cradle to their 40s now. 

Unless you understand how awful some people actually are you cannot defend yourself against them to survive yourself.

And if you wait for the police to defend you often you are dead before anything is resolved.

This is why I think many people are arming themselves which is logical given present out of control circumstances so they can defend themselves from a mentally ill armed person in a homicidal suicidal mode.

Remember it only takes a few seconds of AR-15 assault weapons fire to be dead. Remember an assault weapon like this or a Kalashnikov is designed ot make a person bleed out quickly so they will be dead within a minute or two. This is why so few people survive being shot by one. By the time the police arrive you will be dead along with your family even if they are there 5 minutes after the shooting begins.

Theoretically, within those 5 minutes 100 or more people could be dead from an AR-15 in crowded area full of people or children. 

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