Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Most read articles as of May 17th 2023


How He lives without money


158,008 visits to intuitivefred888


reprint of: Drones very small to large


most read articles from KYIV Post


The ultra-lethal drones of the future | New York Post 2014 article


3D printing Wikipedia- full article


Aerodynamics: It took a long time for man to emulate the lift that birds wings had by copying their design


A Longer History of the Internet


Smartphones have drastically changed the way the world functions since the early 2000s


Ocean temperatures are off the charts right now, and scientists are alarmed


General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper is the biggest and best Combat Drone presently known about that is not top secret on earth at present


Ramaswamy's senior college thesis was on the ethical question of whether or not to create Human-Animal Chimeras? WTF?


The Admiral (2014)


Vivek Ramaswamy a Republican hopeful for President plans to spend 100 million of his own money to be president?


Russia taking Crimea is like Saddam Hussein taking Kuwait


Traumatized and tired, nurses are quitting due to the pandemic


McCarthy because of his Speaker Weakness is destroying the Republican party: especially if he causes a default by his weakness


CNN Poll: Neither Biden or Trump will be their party's 2024 nominee


Learning to live with the Angels here on earth


Human DNA can now be pulled from thin air or a footprint on the beach. Here’s what that could mean


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