Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Countries with armed Drones now worldwide including an article about the drones too

I recommend you click on "Who has What" below in order to see the map of how armed drones have proliferated the past 20 years or so now. More and more you are going to see people just disappear from drone attacks worldwide being targeted through their cell phone locations using their GPS locations worldwide.

As this technology proliferates drug lords and other criminals will be stealing armed drones to take out their enemies and government officials worldwide. I think we just have to accept this is either presently happening or will be soon worldwide.

when Drones were first invented and used in the Middle East on Terrorists I predicted from the beginning that this would be the end result of Something that looks like the Movie Oblivion(2013) just in regard to the ways drones will take out people worldwide like seen in this movie which could potentially extinct the whole human race eventually if the drones are autonomous.

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Who Has What: Countries with Armed Drones

New America
https://www.newamerica.org › reports › world-drones

Over three-dozen countries in the World of Drones database have armed drones, but not all of them produced their UCAVs at home. Many countries seeking armed ...


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Who Has What: Countries with Armed Drones

MQ 9 Reaper
Source: Michael Fitzsimmons / Shutterstock.com

Over three-dozen countries in the World of Drones database have armed drones, but not all of them produced their UCAVs at home.

Many countries seeking armed drone capability without the capacity to develop UCAVs domestically have turned to China. Chinese-made drones have been used extensively to combat extremism outside of China, but the Chinese military has avoided conducting lethal strikes themselves. However, in 2013, the New York Times reported that China considered using a drone to kill a Burmese drug lord, but opted to capture and try him in court. He received a death sentence.

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