Monday, May 1, 2023

Whenever people deny something too much often there is a kernel of truth to what they are denying

 Whether this is on an individual level or on a governmental level individuals have reasons to not tell you the truth about big or small things in their lives or to fracture the truth or to bend the truth to suit their needs of the moment.

Because of this it is important for people to have a good "Bullshit" meter in that they use their common sense and intuition to figure things out in regard to what actually happened.

For example, countless men (for thousands of years) have been lying to their wives about their extra-marital relations. And countless wives have been doing exactly the same thing for thousands of years.

How many more lies are told by governments that don't want to collapse under the weight of the truth?

It one reason only about 11% of the people of the U.S. actually trust what the government says. 

Especially after all the lies we were told during the Kennedy Assassination, the Martin Luther King Assassination and the Bobby Kennedy assassination.

Trust in our government before these assassinations was at around 75% from World War II until the Kennedy assassination. Then it's been dropping every since.

So, at this point we are all on our own in what we believe because our governments have no reason to tell us the truth about anything really.

And in this sense it isn't much different who is president of the United States either Republican or Democrat because both are lying to us just in different ways about slightly different things.

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