Monday, March 11, 2024

Writing as a way to heal yourself

Why can one write and heal oneself?

It has to do with what I call Self Parenting.

You will likely understand yourself better than anyone else can. So, who better to re-parent you than you?  

If you understand that your subconscious mind (where all your dreams come from) is about 2 1/2 years old emotionally, then you can begin to reparent yourself to become a healthier person psychologically than you are now.

In my early 20s I studied to become a psychologist and even though I never finished my training because my girlfriend got pregnant and I needed to go to work to support us and we got married, I learned enough by then to begin to heal myself of childhood and young adult traumas.

One of the many tools I used to heal myself was writing. Even though I didn't really find my own writing style that REALLY healed me until I was about 32 years old, once I began this new writing style my world became a much better place to live in.

Most people try to fit into the world and this is their biggest mistake. Instead I decided to create my own world by moving to the country away from the big city and becoming my own person rather than trying to fit into the world as it is.

This was likely one of the best choices I ever made because I'm still alive here at age 75 and relatively happy for this age.

So, developing a writing style to heal yourself by reparenting yourself is amazing and incredibly powerful as a tool for self healing.

Some people are healed just writing down how they felt going through all the things they did. Other people create stories with characters that remind them of themselves and people they know to heal themselves.

There are likely an unlimited amount of ways to heal the traumas of your life. Trying to blame people for your problems doesn't solve them at all and often makes them worse. NO.

Accepting that you are an adult now and that you have to make your life work no matter what happened to you from birth to your mid 20s or beyond is where a person needs to start. it isn't about blame it is about re-parenting yourself now in a healthy way no matter what happened to you.

You realize that your subconscious is like your own child that you had as a parent and so you reparent the child that suffered by re-parenting yourself in a healthy way.

Another tool in this toolbox for you might be to learn Peer Counseling as a way of moving forward too which is much less expensive than having to pay someone by the hour to help you. However, if you have serious problems maybe you need to be seeing someone at least once a week or once a month to make sure you are on the right track in trying to heal yourself and make yourself whole again.

Writing or writing poetry or lyrics or songs or doing art of many kinds are all useful in healing yourself at a very deep level so you can Want to choose to be alive ongoing into your 70s to 100 and beyond.

By God's Grace

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