Monday, April 15, 2024

I find the fastest way (I have found) to stream TV content is to use Roku so all your streaming is under one umbrella

 My son I believe recommended this to me and also my oldest daughter partly because younger people (under 50) often don't buy Cable TV. For example, I have Cable, Internet and even an older Tivo that I can record up to 1000 hours of things my wife and I like to watch once or more than once. I also program it to record news or other programs automatically even when I'm traveling.

However, the fastest way to stream with the least amount of waiting is to buy a Roku (that I have discovered so far). This way you have all your streaming services under one umbrella. Also, in the Roku it also has a Search menu for say a movie or other program you want to watch so even if you don't know which streaming service a program is on you can use the search engine inside of the Roku system and it will tell you all the streamers it is on and how much it costs to rent or buy if it is new to watch.

I really like this feature on the Roku system because it just saves me so much time trying to find things I want to watch with my wife. But, it's true you can also search for what you want to watch on your Smartphone or laptop or desktop computer too by just asking: "Best movies streaming?" on Google or something like that.

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