Saturday, April 13, 2024

My Wife's opinion of Chat GPT?

She says she prefers the way I write to how Chat GPT synthesizes other authors. This is quite a compliment coming from her actually. She says it's because she has two bachelor's degrees and a Master's Degree in Business which means she sees through a different lens than I do.

In some way I'm still the 10 year old reading Robert Heinlein dreaming of becoming an astronaut and a couple of years later watching the first American Astronauts orbit the earth in Science Class in Junio High School then. So, in some ways I am a much simpler less complex person than she is. 

I find that I'm still the same 10 year old that loved Robert Heinlein and other Science Fiction Authors just with a whole lot more armor and experience with life than I did at age 10. But, at core (at least at this point in my life) I'm still the kindly scientific 10 year old experiencing life in some of the same ways I always did then.

In this sense I am like most men. You cannot take the boy out of the man (unless you kill the boy through battlefield PTSD).

At least God was good to me in this way.

He gave me concussion caused night time seizures from age 10 to age 15 which got me a 4F so I didn't have to get drafted and go fight in Viet Nam. So, even though I thought God was killing me between 10 and 15 he proved he wasn't when it came to getting drafted. 

Thank you God!

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