Saturday, April 13, 2024

Raining hard last night still raining: chains needed over the Sierras on 80: snow level 4000 feet

 It was windy all day yesterday with winds from 15 to 20 mph so the trees were moving a lot. It started to rain hard during the night and will be raining off and on now through Sunday here on the SF Coast of California. Snow level to 4000 feet also means that there likely will be some snow in the Santa Lucia mountains above Big Sur as well. Also, the rain could mean the whole road might collapse that is already collapsed near Bixby Bridge and the people in Big Sur could be Trapped there for some time. Tourists are not being allowed to go there at all so businesses in Big Sur are suffering.

However, here we are on enough of a hill that flooding won't be a problem just above the ocean. It is down in the valleys where the riverbeds and streams are more that could be a problem. 

It's strange to have so much rain this late in the year. However, I think last year it rained until May or June. I think it's just Global Climate changes where everything is not the same anymore.

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