Thursday, April 11, 2024

since Chat GPT and other Artificial Intelligence programs are out there now we should think of good questions to ask

 My son is doing Art by asking I believe some version of Chat GPT to do art for him as a therapy   he is trying to reduce stress best he can in his life.So, he asks for specific types of art for the AI to create sometimes with really wonderful results.

After seeing many of these drawings done by Artificial intelligence I realized I could ask questions of Chat GPT like "Could you write in the style of Robert Heinlein who was probably my favorite author from about 10 years old to 20 years old or later along with Ray Bradbury, Frank Herbert, Robert Silverburg and Arthur C. Clarke and of course we all watched Star Trek written by Gene Roddenberry on TV starting in 1966. In 1966 I graduated from High School in May of that year in Santa Fe, New Mexico and went to college the next fall in Southern California.

So, it was wonderful for me to hear something original and yet sounding like Robert Heinlein once again. Then I asked it to write in the style of Robert Heinlein in "Stranger in a Strange Land" which was a kind of 1960s Story written in 1960 when people were exploring other religions and ideas a lot then in a certain kind of way.

So, I guess it was both written and published in 1961 which is interesting in itself. So, it was actually written before Kennedy or his brother or Martin Luther King were all assassinated. 

After the assassinations people lost faith and trust in our government and it has never returned. It used to be at around 75% trust but after that it went down to about 11% trust in our government and has pretty much stayed that way ever since. The Viet Nam War likely ended any trust our people had in our government at all ever since.

So, the real point of this article is since College and critical thinking help save all our lives by not being taken advantage of by crooks of one kind or another, thinking questions (serious questions) to ask Artificial intelligence might save your life or other people's lives or even prevent human extinction if you get to the right questions to ask whether they be governmental, or medical or whatever is important to you.

Artificial intelligence can give you information in a way that you just aren't going to get other places in the form it presently is in. And what it gives you (the answers) also is pretty up to date as it researches to write the answers you have questions for.

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