Thursday, April 11, 2024

Trump's Civil War Against United States Democracy

 Today Kyiv's biggest power plant was destroyed which likely means that many in the capitol city of Ukraine will be without power for a long time (possibly until this war ends whichever way it does).

Ever Since Trump tried to coerce unsuccessfully

Volodymyr Zelenskyy
President of Ukraine
while Trump was in office he likely hasn't liked Ukraine and Putin has taken advantage of the embarrassment Trump suffered in this situation and still to harm Ukraine and Zelenskyy. This is one of many problems that All of Europe is having now with this present situation affecting Ukraine. Because if Ukraine falls all of Europe will eventually fall too the way Putin is going about all this militarily. It reminds me of Hitler taking Poland which was the first Country I believe that Hitler took before he took France. France did not want all their historic buildings destroyed which is one reason France gave into Hitler by the way. So, their hertitage sites were not destroyed like they were in most other countries in Europe. I think the French had learned this all the way back to Napoleon through the Napoleonic wars.

So, Putin taking Ukraine if he ever did would likely be the beginning of World War III. And not electing Trump would prevent World War III but Trump being elected would create it almost automatically and billions of people would die from a Trump presidency within 10 years time.

This is a given at this point. But many people are so unrealistic about what actually would happen in another Trump Presidency that they are blind to the truth of what a Trump presidency would actually bring with the murder of Democrats and Democracy and World War III. This is actually what is at stake: All of Europe's Democracies and the U.S. Democracy and likely eventually the Canadian Democracy too.

I think right now is the scariest time for the world since the end of World War II in 1945.

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