Sunday, May 26, 2024

Authoritarianism like Trump is the opposite of what Libertarians believe in

 This is the problem for Trump when Speaking at a Libertarian Convention. People would be outraged at Trump's Authoritarian Ways sort of like if PUTIN had wanted their votes and come to speak to them.

I have NO IDEA why he went to a Libertarian convention simply because this was bound to happen (maybe just ignorance on his part).

Libertarianism is often associated with the Republican party. However, if we are realistic about this there likely are an equal number of Libertarians in the Democratic Party as well as the Republican party simply because LIbertarianism is mostly about "FREEDOM OF CHOICE" regarding all things in life.

IT's more of a life philosophy rather than a political partly or preference in this way.

IT means it's how you choose to live your life as a Free man or Woman mostly and as a Free Thinker who is responsible for all your own actions without being fettered by ANY politicians Republican or Democrat or whatever.

So, of course an authoritarian would be Booed at a Libertarian Convention! Why would Trump think anything else? (unless he is really ignorant about what Libertarian actually means).

It means "Liberty and Freedom to conduct your life as you wish without interference".

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