Monday, May 20, 2024

Becoming and surviving to adulthood as a precognitive Intuitive is sort of like getting a PHd in life and survival

 Life is not static for most people and unless you are very adaptable (no matter who you are) you don't survive to adulthood anywhere on earth. So, the same is true if you are a precognitive intuitive like me.

So, unless you learn really fast about having these abilities you cannot survive them.  Having extra senses or better said "More developed senses" in some ways than the average person simply because you had the abilities and you wouldn't have survived to grow up without them.

So, your senses above the 5 develop because often you will die in your life if you don't develop these abilities. This is how all this really happens.

The first thing that triggered my higher senses was whooping cough and then as I lay dying in my grandmother's lap then the Angels came and rescued me. This set the tone for the rest of my life and led to me being as gifted as I was. I wanted to be with the angels. I wanted to travel with the angels. By around age 20 the angels gave me the ability to soul travel so I could stay alive through my 20s and live to be 30 or more.

Each step of the way I had divine guidance. This has always been pretty clear to me. I have watched people that I thought of as much stronger than me break and die or go crazy along the way. 

However, whenever I was going to break I would ask the angels what to do and they would tell me. So, I always knew what to do to survive anything I faced along the way.

However, I also knew that I wasn't living just for myself but for my family and friends and people I met along the way as just being around me or listening to me would help them survive and live better lives. I always knew I was a very holy person (which we all are potentially by the way).

However, some how I was always taken care of by God and angels so I was always taking care of God and Angels too. It's a circle sort of like a good marriage is too where everyone takes care of everyone else. It's a lot of work for angels and humans who work together too.

However, it is a marriage made in Heaven while you are living here on earth.

I first realized I could "LIVE with the angels always here on earth when I was 21 years old. It hadn't occurred to me that I could actually do this before then. Once I vowed to God to live with the angels always I did. And so I stood by the Angels and they stood by me always after I chose to do this.

By God's Grace

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