Monday, May 20, 2024

The potential multi-trillion dollar disaster for the world if a Carrington event or stronger hits earth at ANY time in the future

What I'm writing here is in reference to this article about Solar Storms that I wrote earlier:

 The reason most knowledge should be on paper and n...

The problem is if a Carrington event or stronger hit today here are some of the things that could or would happen.

1. The Internet worldwide or wherever it hit earth that was facing the sun has no internet. And not only that all things that bring the internet to you are fried and cannot be repaired because they are all shorted out or melted out. This means "All Internet" technology would be gone permanently on the side of the world where it hit (UNTIL) replacement parts were sent in to replace all the fried technology. However, if the solar flare lasted long enough say 24 hours then EVERYTHING made that makes the Internet work worldwide above 10 feet beneath the ground would be fried and gone and useless. So, a 24 hour solar flare hitting earth at the Carrington event or stronger would cripple earth for years in various ways and could even lead to wars between nations because of the changes in technological capacities in the short run.

It's not that you could not rebuild everything like before, it's that it might take 4 or 5 years to do this and you would have to have the money to replace all the things lost too because no one likely is going to give you any of this stuff.


2. Every plane and drone and electric Car and possibly even pre-electric gas or diesel cars might have their ignition systems fried (not entirely sure about this.)

So, it's possible that NO vehicle would run because of a fried ignition system or a fried computer system or all these things

3. When this hit passenger Jet planes in the sky I think there is about 60,000 planes in the sky at any given moment because the passenger planes have electronic relays to control the movable surfaces on wings and tail they could become inoperable and then all the planes who don't have mechanical wires connected to control surfaces would crash pretty soon after it hit. and even the planes who didn't crash who had mechanical wires controlling the control surfaces engines might cut out when it fried their ignition systems. So, if the pilots didn't know how to glide in  for a landing properly they could or would crash too. The way you glide down is to drop the nose below the center point a little so you have forward motion on your speed and declining altimeter (if those gauges would work after all this).

4. Satellites would be fried first in space which would get the worst buffeting from the Solar Flare and all the chips that run them would fry. No Satellites from any nation hit from the sun would work ever again until they were replaced by another satellite or repaired by astronauts in person.

Then no transactions using ATM or Credit Cards would work wherever the Solar Flare hit.

Also, I have been in a situation like this in a solar flare before which is one reason I like to carry enough cash to buy for my vehicle to make it home from wherever I am at the time. Because if you cannot use your ATM card or credit Card or Smartphone for purchases what are you going to do?

So, probably for most people not being able to buy anything electronically or have the Internet or their laptops or cell phones working at all likely would be the biggest problem mankind might face.

Except for power and gas utilities which would be wiped out electronically too as well as sewage treatment plants.

Also, no emergency equipment like Fire engines or Ambulances or police cars would work either. So, if people didn't have bicycles or skatboards they would be stuck wherever they were for months or years possibly without food because no food could be shipped to them because Semi Trucks ignition systems likely would be fried too.

Though I wrote the following about a 100 megaton hydrogen blast in space above the U.S. and what the EMP would theoretically do (which I have read about in studies by our government and others) a similar thing could also happen from a large enough solar flare where nothing electric would work after this at all until it was replaced (anywhere on earth where the solar flare hit).

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