Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Belief systems around the world allow people to physically and mentally survive their lives

It has always been this way for hundreds of thousands of years or more.

For example, one of many reasons beyond Wife and children and Grandchildren that I'm still alive is that at one point in the 1970s Saint Germain came to me and told me about how if I lived to be 100 I would see 500 and if I lived to be 500 I would see 1000 and if I lived to be 1000 I would see 5000 and if I lived to be 5000 I would see 10,000.  So, IF is a big word to me and to most of you to because I believe this may be theoretically true for all of us now in the AI Age of Medical Miracles worldwide.

For example, you cannot use your hands or arms unless you believe you can too. And from a precognitive intuitive's point of view like myself most people look like they have tied their hands behind their backs in an intuitive sense and forgotten that they are there. This is my everyday experience with people. For example, I usually know pretty much what people are thinking that I'm around but I don't tell them what I know because it wouldn't be polite. So, no matter what they are thinking I only respond to what they are telling me verbally which isn't usually what they are thinking by the way. But, it's polite in our culture to only take seriously what people say which is why I'm polite that way.

But, sometimes people are really crazy and so often I will walk on the other side of the street when people are so nuts they are a physical threat to everyone. and what is really strange about all this is you cannot tell the way people are dressed which ones are the most dangerous to mankind in general.

So, this is a problem too for most people but not so much for me.

However, when I look at people I see that many are one day away from ending their lives for one reason or another and I have compassion for whatever people believe in that doesn't kill other people including me in the process. Sometimes it's better to let someone off themselves than to have them kill 100 people and then off themselves like happens all the time here in the U.S.

So, belief systems (including spiritual or religious ones as well as philosophies of various kinds allow people sometimes to stay alive under difficult conditions in their lives. And this has been true for hundreds of thousands of years or more already.

By God's Grace

Note: From my point of view we ALL only live by God's Grace anyway moment by moment during our lives.

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