Thursday, May 23, 2024

Fact: without free speech democracies soon become dictatorships. Why?

Whenever ANYONE's free speech is suppressed (whether that be the free speech of the pro Palestinian movement or the Pro Israel Movement or whoever it is whatever their point of view is, people start to die when ANYONE's free speech is infringed upon. 

The whole point of free speech (for EVERYONE) is to reduce violence and deaths everywhere within a democracy.

If you are NOT for free speech of EVERYONE then you don't really believe in Democracy. This is the main problem I see today is that our democracy may fail caused by the lack of free speech starting on College Campuses worldwide. 

The real problem that I saw when I went to UCSC in the 1990s is that Free Speech was dying even then caused by Political Correctness. 

Political Correctness is the death of Democracy and anyone who has studied history knows this.

However, how do we reconcile all the problems that real Free Speech causes. I have no idea.

However, the alternative is worse of mass deaths and destruction and torture and death everywhere caused by ideas like political correctness to begin with.

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