Monday, May 6, 2024

If Someone was just starting out learning to program what language should they learn?

First of all, because of how fast computer stuff changes if you learn one language you probably are going to learn several. But, if I was to choose the first language I would learn right now it would be Python because this is one of the most Versatile AI languages at present to learn. However, if you are going to blog learning HTML (Hypertext Markup language) this is mostly what is allowing you to read what you are reading and seeing now here on the Internet. IT is the final layer along with things like Java that make the Internet work worldwide. But because AI is now on the "Cutting Edge" the presently most versatile computer language for programming AI is Python. But, you can also start to learn this for free at 

However, it does say that this course is under construction too so if you wanted to you could also buy a book or something that shows you how to program in Python. Also, you might search online to learn more about this too. However, only 2nd to Python likely would be HTML because it is like I said the foundation of the Internet worldwide.

Even though I taught myself HTML starting around 1995 by saving and playing with a opening page and seeing what things did then I still do my own Links pages in HTML so I can better share the most read articles each week with you. However, I think what I'm sharing is likely the most read articles within any one month as it changes over time.

And for the beginner it's helpful to realize that all you are dealing with in reality is zeros and ones in formats that allow decision making. When you understand this you think much differently about Computers in General than likely you did before.

It's very algebraic in nature and studying computer languages helped me form thoughts that are more akin to the Scientific Method like A plus B equals C.

And even in learning Fortran starting in 1966 and 1967 it is very much like learning what you learn in First year Algebra classes in the way that it works. So, I tend to see computer languages as Algebraic formulas in action. And even the word Fortran is composed of Formula Translation. This is what it actually means in reality.

When you understand the basis of all computers and even Artificial Intelligence which is just another evolution of the basic Zeros and ones of the first computers you begin to see them differently than before.

However, I suppose many people will anthropomorphize computers like they do pets maybe or friends which is happening now.

My biggest concern is if everyone has an R2D2 or C3PO why should anyone learn to read if they can just talk to a robot (like we now do our Smartphones) and ask them a question?

So, computers or Robots as tutors is obviously a double edged sword which is great when you don't have an EMP from a nuke or from the Sun to end magnetic Memory above about 10 feet underground all over the world.

Imagine an EMP which erases permanently all laptops and computers with magnetic Memory so only things like CDs and DVDs and paper books remain working here on earth?

What happens then? So, I guess what I'm saying is: "Learn to read" because one day all magnetic memory like in the laptop I'm using right now could be gone and we might be left only with paper books once again.

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