Saturday, May 4, 2024

It was very synchronitic for me to find the last article about living past 90 from Esquire

 Because it helps support my premise of how people are living past 100 more and more around the world.

Because if you get enough people to live past 100 the next barrier is 150 and then 200 and then it goes beyond that too. 

Technologically there is NO limitation of how long a human being could potentially live. The only limitation really is whether people want to live that long.

Many people choose to die young and with honor by becoming soldiers. It's a way for them to choose to die in an honorable way worldwide. However, many do not die and become Captains and Colonels and Generals instead of dying and this might work for them too.

However, if you survive to be 30 then the likelihood is that you will live to be 90 here in the U.S. This is a given. It's not even debatable. However, it is an average and not everyone will do this.

It's just if you survive to 30 generally speaking you will then live to 90 on average.

When I was forced to retire because of my health at age 50 I couldn't believe I could afford to retire and my wife insisted I didn't die and I agreed with her so I went on with prayers and will power until I got my health back by 2000 Ad after having a heart virus from fall of 1998 to May of 1999 and being forced to retire. 

It then took me about 5 years to get used to being retired. 

Being retired worked for me simply because my identity was never really tied to any career other than being an owner of several businesses. Instead I identified as a father and grandfather and as a husband instead. So, my career path was ALWAYS that I was only working to support my family and not because I loved doing what I was doing. So, actually being retired was a Godsend for me after the stressful life I had lived since birth.

So, retirement saved my life and the angels who came to me when I first realized something wasn't right with my heart when my lips turned blue in Fall of 1998 they told me: "YOU AREN'T GOING TO DIE! YOUR LIFE WILL GET BETTER NOW!"

The angels said this to me over and over again until every cell of my body believed them. So, I went on living despite feeling like I was going to die for around 9 months and passing out because I could not oxygenate my blood right from the heart virus.

So, the angels were right! My life did get much better within 9 months from getting sick and being forced to retire at age 50. My motivation at the time was refusing to die because I had a 2 1/2 year old daughter and a 10 year old daughter and a 25 year old biological son. So, these were my biological children then in 1999 and still. Now I am the grandfather of 2 grandchildren one is 6 and one will be 10 in June.

So, the point here is that if you live to be 30 the likelihood is that you will also live to be 90 or more too.

And because of medical Artificial intelligence that could be 120 or more within 25 years too because of how fast Artificial intelligence can work if directed by more intuitive and intelligent human minds.

By God's Grace

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