Saturday, May 25, 2024

My theory about how Humans Got to Earth in the first place

 First of all, Earth was a Galactic National Park with dinosaurs that could eat you or step on you. However, then some changes happened when the planet everyone mostly lived on then in the Solar System, Maldek, got nuked and people were dying mostly then there. However, the richest who were often military or government wives and children were sent into Space on "Space" lifeboats and were rescued by people who came from other planets and solar systems who were sent to help. Eventually they got permission to colonize earth after one of the pieces of Maldek killed most of the bigger land dinosaurs that were too big to hide in caves or dig holes to survive the "Nuclear winter" of several years caused by the piece of Maldek hitting Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico 65 million years ago. So, this is the point in time where our ancestors first came here. However, there have been many ice ages since then where people had to move mostly towards the equator to survive. So, imagine all the evolution it took to survive ice ages and everything else that happened here on earth. 

This is my personal theory of how humans came to be here on earth. Only now we are genetically engineered from apes and these humanoid colonists. We were engineered DNA wise because most of them got sick from the diseases of earth and they needed us to take care of them. And when they either left here or died we remained to move forward to now 65 million years later.

So, you can only imagine what our ancestors (half ape and half ufo humanoid) have been through the last 65 million years here on earth and beyond.

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