Saturday, May 25, 2024

Politics, money and war is pretty meaningless if everyone dies from Global Climate changes while people are busy fighting it out

 I think for this reason the illustration of what is happening to the human race as comparing it to the lobster in the pot of cold water. 

If the water was boiling for everyone at once we all could then easily mobilize to save ourselves by jumping out of the pot of boiling water.

However, we are in the same fix as the lobster who is put in a pot of cold water and then he burner is turned on under him. There is no one real point where he can say: "Jump out it's boiling!" because the temperature so slowly rises there is no demarcation point where it seems the right moment to "jump out of the pot." So, he cooks to death and it eaten by the people in the restaurant.

The human race as a whole is in exactly this same position as this lobster put in cold water. Only the people in hot water will try to jump out (if they are young enough say under 35 or 40) so their kids don't die wherever they are on earth.

But, the mass of humanity is this lobster slowly being cooked to death and by the time they realize something is wrong they are too hot for their brains to work and so they cook and die one by one.

So, what is the solution?

Realizing you are about to be cooked right now and get out of the pot (the location where you might die!) and get to a better location where you might still live and your kids and grand kids might live too!

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