Saturday, May 25, 2024

Seeing AI as prediction engines or Probability Engines is the most useful way to view what AI actually is

I am seeing more and more friends and relatives use and interface with AI in various ways. Most of these people have a college education so they might be able to see how important making friends early with AI might be. If you look at how important Smartphones are to people now all over the world for various different reasons you can now access most AI systems through your smartphone anywhere you can receive enough data or have Wifi now. You can even do art by verbally telling the AI what you want in your art form to be. However, like with all prediction engines or probability engines you might wind up with 6 fingers on the person or persons you want it to draw for you because after all these are prediction engines or probability engines and not entirely factual even though their probability engines are based upon mathematics and Algorithms.

So, more and more you might hear of various people in their trades using and training AI to help them in their work. One of the ways is to let the AI observe what you are doing so it can edit or repeat your behaviors in your work. This way you work actually less and the AI works actually more.

However, just remember that AI isn't necessarily factual or mathematical only predictive in a probability way.

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