Sunday, May 5, 2024

The pro-palestinian demonstrations in the U.S. might be harmful to Biden getting re-elected

Many of you might not know this but the Democratic Convention in 1968 in Chicago cost Hubert Humphrey the Democrat the election to Nixon. And the demonstrations were like now only then they were against the Viet Nam War and many demonstraters were beaten up by Chicago Cops and some died or were incapacitated ongoing from their injuries and this didn't look good for Democrats the way this was all handled. As a direct result Nixon was voted in because of this and we all know the rest of what happened under Nixon. 

It is possible that because most pro Palestinian protesters tend to be Democratic that this might happen to Biden. If this did we could kiss our democracy goodbye. 

The problem is that Pro Palestinian demonstraters are not thinking LONG TERM but only short term like many young people are. They are not thinking about the consequences long term of their actions only saving Palestinians only now.

So, we could see this causing havoc in similar ways that the Anti-War demonstraters being beat up and harmed by Chicago Cops happening again wherever the Democratic Convention happens this time.

However, the demonstraters might not be realizing that this could end our Democracy that has existed since 1776 and the Declaration of Independence. And if we lose our government to Nazis like Trump we might become just another Banana Republic and then be defeated by Putin and Xi in the end and become another Totalitarian state with Democracy gone from this world simply because no one but the United States as a democracy can stand up to Putin and Xi alone or with help and succeed.

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