Friday, May 3, 2024

The Seven Builders of the Galaxy?

In the Saint Germain Foundation where I grew up until I was 21 and went my own way Hercules is the name of one of the 7 builders of the Galaxy called "the Elohim". In these teachings also Hercules' retreat on earth is Yosemite. So, in going to Yosemite National Park you are meeting Elohim Hercules.

I was trying to remember some of the names of the other Elohim today from childhood. I remember that the Elohim Hercules is the Elohim of the Blue Ray and that Arcturus is the Elohim of the Violet or Purple Ray which Saint Germain would be a part of just like Archangel Michael is a part of the Blue Ray of Hercules from this teaching. 

I was thinking about this today when I got a newsletter from the "I AM" School which is now in Mt. Shasta California. When I attended the "I AM" School it was in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Since the 1930s it has been several different places. I was trying to remember all the places it moved to. In the 1930s I believe it was in Los Angeles, in the 1960s it was in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Then after that it was in Denver, Colorado and finally for at least the last 20 years it has been in mt. Shasta where they actually built a school for this purpose ongoing. I went there for one year in Santa Fe, New Mexico during the mid 1960s where I graduated High School then.

Though I didn't stay a part of the church and moved on in my life I remember the school as changing the way I thought enough so that I wanted to attend college. Most people didn't go to college before the Viet Nam War but then because of the draft and not wanting to die many more boys went to college so they wouldn't die on the front lines of the Viet Nam War where over 50,000 Americans died then. This changed College a lot here in the U.S. as so many got Bachelor's degrees and master's degrees and PHds and also as men went to college more the women at that time followed them because they wanted to marry a "College Guy" because they were usually more educated and sophisticated in various ways than the average man they might meet on the street.

So, the Viet Nam War was likely the biggest positive factor in the higher education of America since the GI Bill After World War II.

My mother prayed to the Elohim Hercules for me when she was pregnant with me since she was in the "I AM" since she was 16 in the 1930s. Her father introduced her to the Saint Germain Foundation around 1935 and she was a member of this church basically all her life (even though she also was involved in the Summit Lighthouse from about 1977 on until my father passed away in 1985 too. However, she never burned her bridges to the "I AM" and continued her friendships from the 1930s the rest of her life.

By God's Grace 

My father was born in 1916 and my mother was born in 1919. My father was born in Morenci, Arizona and my mother was born in Omaha, Nebraska.

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