Sunday, May 26, 2024

What was I taught in the 1950s about a Libertarian philosophy

This was the basic Idea that I was taught:

A person (man or woman) was allowed in this philosphy to basically either self destruct through their actions or to become a success (their choice). But, no one was allowed to harm others in the process of their success or self destruction.

 In some ways this resembles the animal kingdom so it would make sense to a lot of people so hence the Libertarian point of view has existed here in the U.S. since 1620 likely when the Pilgrims first came here.

However, there are good and bad points regarding it.

The good point is that people are not restricted in doing almost anything they wish as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.

The Bad point of being a Libertarian could also be said of the previous statement because so many people might die.

However, this was the way the whole Libertarian thing started in the U.S. based upon "Live and Let Live".

And this became the basis of life here in the U.S. starting in the 1600s and 1700s. 

So, a lot of how people think today in more free thinking ways started with the founding of this nation when the Pilgrims were the first to actually survive here from Europe. And they likely survived because they got along with the Indians who showed them how to plant corn and things  like this and maybe to hunt Turkeys too.


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