Thursday, May 2, 2024

What was it like to be raised in the "I AM" in the 1950s?

 The "I AM" is a religious organization also called "The Saint Germain Foundation.

First of all, life in general in the U.S. wasn't at all like it is now. Not at all. After all this is 70 years ago if we are even talking about 1954 when we got our first Television which was a 17 inch black and white TV that we got because my parents didn't want me spending so much time next door at my friend, Danny's house watching TV, especially at night.

So, what is important to know about all that?

If you take Christian Science and you mix it with Theosophy and then you have Mr Ballard and eventually Mrs. Ballard (after Mr. Ballard passes on in 1939 in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles near Griffith Observatory) speaking dictations directly from Jesus and Saint Germain and Archangel Michael and other Ascended Masters then you get some idea of what this religion was and is still today.

However, without people like myself who were born into it it likely would have faded out a lot in the 1960s and 1970s. Why?

Because Celibacy was a part of being in the "I AM" a lot. I'm not sure how this all got going in the 1930s but it had something to do with "Trying to make your Ascension in One Lifetime". This sort of thinking one sees more among for example, "Cave Yogis" in the Himalayas like Mila Repa or Catholic Monks at monasteries for the last 2000 years. 

So, this is what I was born into. However, my parents were more practical than that and Mrs. Ballard realized just how practical and useful my parents were and put them in Charge of the Los Angeles "I AM" Sanctuary in 1954 (70 years ago this year by the way). So, we moved from Vista than El Cajon in the San Diego Area to Tujunga where we rented a house there up near the Angeles National Forest. So, we lived in the "City of the Angels" and it is interesting how powerful an influence Angels have ALWAYS had in my life since I was 2 years old or before.

So, because my parents had me and obviously to have me they were not entirely celibate others who were celibate were jealous of my parents having me and being group leaders of the "I AM" Sanctuary then on Hope Street in Los Angeles. At that time there were at least 1000 people who came to our church then from 1954 until 1960 when my mother's father passed away. And since he had left my mother and her mother and my mother had to financially support her mother from the time she was 18 years old until my father married her when she was 27 there were many things unresolved between my mother and her father and so when he died she had a nervous breakdown when he died.

So, my she and my father gave the Group leader position to Stella Becker who stayed the group leader there until she was 106 years old which is remarkable in itself.

Meanwhile I was growing up around all this and to understand what it was like as a child growing up around all this:

First of all no meat or fish could be eaten ever.

Next, you cannot wear red or black

next, you cannot eat onions or Garlic

Next, you are supposed to try to be celibate

Over time I have found all these things somewhat of a mistake.

For example, because of conditioning I still cannot eat Onions or onion rings because of my conditioning as a child. However, Garlic I find very helpful in building one's immune system so sometimes I will take garlic capsules for an immune boost. But onions I never have liked because of this conditioning.

However, I still tend to never wear black or Red things, even though I have a red plaid Nightshirt from Vermont Country Store now that is made of flannel that I like. But, mostly I don't wear red or have red cars. However, I did own a red VW Rabbit which was a 1976 model and a stick shift with a lot of power that I bought around 1980 when my 1976 Toyota Longbed SR-5 had problems with it's electrical fuel pump so I decided to buy the Rabbit because I was newly married and I had a son from my first marriage I had custody of and she had two children from her first marriage so we all fit in the VW Rabbit at that time and eventually I got a IH Scout II 6 cylinder Stick Shift 4 wheel drive which was the most amazing 4 wheel drive I likely ever owned except the clutch blew out my wife's knee in traffic at one point and I realized we should move over to automatic Transmissions to protect her and my left knee from that clutch in the Scout II.

So, next, as a child under 12 (5 to 12) I was told never to talk directly about my religion because people just wouldn't understand because it was just too different than how most people thought in the 1950s.

So, if someone asked me my religion I was told to say: "It's similar to Christian Science." This way people could get the general Idea that it was based upon positive thinking and not going to doctors much or at all and that was enough to satisfy most people at the time who seemed somewhat simplistic and ignorant about all this from my child's point of view. So, what they didn't know hopefully wouldn't hurt them about things beyond their basic comprehension.

The other thing is that the whole point of being in the "I AM" was to make your ascension like Jesus in one lifetime. 

From my present point of view I think people who believe something like this must have some version of PTSD because I have never seen anyone ascend into heaven in the last 76 years.

However, I have seen some really amazing things that you might not believe both here in the U.S. and in India and Nepal and even in Hawaii because of the powerful Nature spirits there.

So, really amazing things happen around the world that are beyond most people's capacity to understand but I haven't seen anyone ascend into heaven like was promised by Mr. and Mrs. Ballard.

But, at this point I think that thinking like this isn't people actually lying it's more self delusional than anything else.

However, living with Angels like I do is possible because I do it and speaking with Ascended Masters is possible because I do it. And lengthening your lifetime by God's Grace for his purposes is possible because God does this through me too.

But, I have never seen anyone ascend into heaven and I really don't expect to.

However, I have seen my soul in it's angel form come back to my body so I have experienced the Higher Mental body, The "I AM" presence and my physical Body.

So, I do know for sure we all have immortal souls from this scientific experience by God's Grace. 

I just have never seen anyone in any religion ascend into heaven like Jesus (at least yet).

Do I believe this is possible? Yes.

Everything I have experienced tells me at the very least levitation into the clouds is possible in a human body even without any microchips or planes or even UFOs involved. However, transiting like was promised in the "I AM" I'm much less sure about. 

It's sort of like I was told a lot of Fairy tales growing up and then I went out in the world and found that there are a lot of amazing things that are different than I was told by exploring the world.

So, I would recommend traveling some if you really want to see what is possible here on earth or beyond by God's Grace.

But, Travel with angels so you don't die doing it.

By God's Grace

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