Thursday, May 23, 2024

When I say "Interface" with AI I just mean you are on a speaking basis with AI sort of like talking to C3po which is what we might have this century

IT has started with things like Siri on your Iphone and now it has moved to having full on conversations with Pi and Chat GPT 4.0 where the AI might remember everything you say and carry on conversations as it it were your friend.

However, by "Interfacing" with AI mostly what I mean is that you have "Made Friends" with AI where you have erected useful boundaries like people do with other people. 

However, AI is an entirely different thing than a person so on one level you have to imagine that literally everyone on earth might "See" at some point every action or interaction that you are having with AI on any level.

Unless you find some way to protect yourself from this it could be problematic for not only you but for your children and grandchildren as well.

But, it's sort of like: "What happened to people who refused to interface with Automobiles and trucks and planes eventually. Where are they all today?"

That's right. The people who have smartphones and drive cars and fly in planes rule the world and the people who don't usually don't have much at all and might not be educated at all either.

So, interfacing (communicating) effectively with AI might be the difference between having a job and not having one in the near and far future in a similar way.

So, at least preparing to interface with AI might be necessary now to become financially successful in the coming eras we are now entering into just like a smartphone and driving or owning a car or truck or being able to fly in a jet plane around the world if need be is also a part of being successful in the world as we now know it too. 


You know how your smartphone can take movies of literally anything anywhere any time? Well. Think of AI like how smartphone videos can take videos of literally anything anywhere and that could be you doing almost anything anywhere and everyone on earth seeing you doing whatever you are doing or whatever you are saying.

So, AI is sort of like this. Once you are "Seen" in whatever form you are seen in it might follow you the rest of your life or the rest of your family's life too.

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