Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Another trick when writing:

What I find is if I read what I wrote before (the most recent thing I wrote on a specific Subject) whether that is a long writing project or a short writing project that it is sort of like going to the place I need to be to hear what I need to hear to get to the next step or steps. It's sort of like you soul travel to exactly where you need to be by taking a route walking or with a car or boat to that location once again. So, it's sort of the walk that you do to reacquaint yourself with a location or locations in time and space and consciousness so that when someone reads it it doesn't sound so much like you wrote different parts on different days. You want it to have a flow that is somewhat consistent out of compassion for your readers.

But, if you are ONLY writing for yourself and not for others then you can do whatever you want to while writing. And my method works for me and it may or may not work for you when you write. Just a thought.

So, you go to that location of people or places or things and the consciousness of the people there and you begin speaking about what is happening. What are they feeling? What does the sky look like. IF there is water what does the water look like? If there are mountains what do the mountains look like? Describe the people and what they might be thinking or doing in this location or locations. If they are moving what are they moving on? Cars, trucks, boats, planes, motorcycles, bicycles, space ships, UFOS?

So, by describing what you see happening there in that location and describing what people are feeling or thinking while in that location and describing what people are saying to each other (or not saying to each other) in that location or locations your book or short story moves forward in this way.

Also, when I write the picture of what is happening and the motivations are often very clear to me but possibly not clear to others. 

For example, as we have edited some of my work for publishing as a book this last year my daughter who is a Digital Video Editor and who has these editor types of skills said she wanted me to start a glossary for what I have written. Then she asked me questions that occurred to her about what I had written.

The problem for me was that some of what she was editing was from 1980 to 1989 which is now about 35 or more years ago so I was in some ways a different person than I am now at 76. In 1988 for example I was only 40 years old. In 1998 I was only 50 years old. So, this is a long time for me to go back and revisit exactly what I was experiencing then regarding what I wrote even though what I write I often experience as one of my children (which is also why I hate to edit) because I don't want to harm any of my children by doing something stupid during the editing process. So, as you can see I don't trust my own editing skills doing my own editing.

However, you might be a great editor because that works for you.

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