Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My grandfather, my father and I are all storytellers

Before there was radio or TV my grandfather likely was listening to stories and telling his own stories because that is what people did a lot then before TV and moving pictures and radio. So, if you knew how to tell good stories (preferably true ones) you were always in demand at gatherings and parties or whatever. So, being a good story teller might get you married or being with the right people or even becoming a minister or politician or help you become a lawyer maybe which might lead to becoming a politician or whatever way back when.

So, when I talk to people about me writing things often I will say "I don't consider myself that much of a writer simply because I don't trust my editing skills. So, I see myself more as a storyteller which I have inherited from my father, Grandfather and likely this could go back 100s or thousands of years in my forebears all the way to Switzerland in the 1500s. I was able to trace my family tree back to around 1580 in Switzerland so far. And most men in my family had 5 to 10 kids and owned their own businesses along the way even after they came to America around 1725. 6 brothers came to Philadelphia by way of London on a ship up the river there from the ocean to Philadelphia around 1725.

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